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Showing posts with label self-help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-help. Show all posts

Dream Dreams

A big house, a luxurious car, an iPhone, gadgets..these are what many people dream of nowadays. Most of us have these big dreams but we can always start with a small dream. We can even have five or more dreams at any given time. When we have attained that small dreams, we even replace them with bigger dreams as well. Remember, dreams should be realistic, meaning, do not dream of becoming a superhero or going to Mars. Dreams usually depend on our values and personality. 

How to start dreaming our dreams? 

First, we have to make a list of our dreams. Have a note and pen and start writing down as many dreams as you can. Act now and do not delay writing your dreams. You could even have at least 20 dreams or more, later when you achieve or attain them, you can look back if you have fulfilled many of them. Later on, as you go along, you can add or delete some from the list.
Second, we have to stay focused.
We must know our dreams by heart. Create a vivid image and details of your dreams. If you are dreaming of a car, think of the type, brand, and color as well as the model. Possess your dreams as something you shall have, checking on some cars on sale or on display. Imagine that you are driving them in your mind with people important to you. Create your dream board - cut out pictures or draw pictures of your dreams on an illustration board and hang them in a place where you can see them more often, serving as inspiration and motivation to achieve those dreams.

Third, we must categorize and prioritize our dreams. According to Marlo Sanchez in his PinoyBisnes book series, we can categorize our dreams into the following categories: personal dreams, dreams for family, dreams for others, and community. Ask yourselves - Is it a personal dream that you can derive personal satisfaction over dreams for your family? Something that benefits you alone? Is it a dream for your family that would benefit your parents, spouse or children, siblings, or even friends? Is it a dream for a community or others? After categorizing each of your dreams, attach a time factor to each dream - when do you want to achieve them. Then, prioritized which dreams we wanted to achieve first, and so on, by category and time frame.
Lastly and most important, pray for these dreams. In everything that we will do, we should acknowledge Him. Pray for each dream and remember God never wanted His children to suffer, He wanted you to be successful. He knows everything about us, our desires, our own sufferings. Give it to Him and He shall lead our path to those dreams. And when the time comes for each dream to be fulfilled, never forget to give back, to acknowledge the One who made it possible and even those people who helped you through rough times. Blessings are more abundantly given than we can ever imagine.

What's Your Personality Type?

📷 credits to Chris Madden/Getty images

     Each one of us is unique. We were conceived with a combination of chromosomes that made us different from our siblings even if we're twins. We were all born with different temperaments. We have our own set of inborn traits. The way we dress and walk and talk and act is part of our personality. 
     According to Florence Littauer, author of Personality Plus, there are four types of personality. Each has its own uniqueness in every given situation and circumstance. Take the Personality Profile test

The Sanguine Personality 
The popular. The extrovert. The talker. The optimist.

Sanguine's Emotions

Appealing personality, talkative, storyteller, the life of the party, good sense of humor, color memory, physically holds on to listener, emotional and demonstrative, enthusiastic and expressive, cheerful and bubbling over, curious, good on stage, wide-eyed and innocent, lives in the present, changeable disposition, sincere at heart, always a child.

Sanguine at Work

Volunteers for jobs, think up new activities, looks great on the surface, are creative and colorful, have energy and enthusiasm, start in a flashy way, inspire others to join, and charm others to work.

Sanguine as a Parent

Makes home fun, is liked by children 's friends, turns disaster into humor, and is the circus master.

Sanguine as a Friend

Makes friends easily, loves people, thrives on compliments, seems exciting, envied by others, doesn't hold grudges, apologizes quickly, prevents dull moments, and likes spontaneous activities.

The Melancholy Personality 
The perfect. The introvert. The thinker. The pessimist.

Melancholy's Emotions

Deep and thoughtful, analytical, serious and purposeful, genius prone, talented and creative, artistic or musical, philosophical and poetic, appreciative of beauty, sensitive to others, self-sacrificing, conscientious, idealistic.

Melancholy at Work 

Schedule-oriented, perfectionist, high standards, detail-conscious, persistent and thorough, orderly and organized, neat and tidy, economical, sees the problems, finds creative solutions, needs to finish what has been started, like charts, graphs, figures, and lists.

Melancholy as a Parent 

Sets high standards, wants everything done right, keeps home in good order, picks up after children, sacrifices own will for others, encourages scholarship and talent.

Melancholy as a Friend  

Makes friends cautiously, is content to stay in the background, avoids causing attention, is faithful and devoted, will listen to complaints, can solve others' problems, has a deep concern for other people, moves to tears with compassion, and seeks an ideal mate.

The Choleric Personality  
The powerful. The extrovert. The doer. The optimist.

Choleric's Emotions

A born leader, dynamic and active, compulsive need for change, must correct wrongs, strong-willed and decisive, is unemotional, is not easily discouraged,  independent and self-sufficient, exudes confidence, and can run anything.

Choleric at Work  

Goal-oriented, sees the whole picture, organizes well, seeks practical solutions, moves quickly to action, delegates work, insists on production, makes the goal, stimulates activity, and thrives on opposition.

Choleric as a Parent  

Exerts sound leadership, establishes goals, motivates a family to action knows the right answer, and organizes the household.

Choleric as a Friend  

Has little need for friends, will work for a group activity, will lead and organize, is usually right, excels in emergencies.

The Phlegmatic Personality  
The peaceful. The introvert. The watcher. The pessimist.
Phlegmatic's Emotions  

Low-key personality, easygoing and relaxed, calm, cool, and collected, patient, well-balanced, consistent life, quiet but witty, sympathetic and kind, keep emotions hidden, happily reconciled to life, all-purpose person.

Phlegmatic at Work  

Competent and steady, peaceful and agreeable, have the administrative ability, mediates problems, avoids conflicts, good under pressure, and finds the easy way.

Phlegmatic as a Parent 

Makes a good parent, takes time for the children, is not in a hurry, can take the good with the bad, and doesn't get upset easily.

Phlegmatic as a Friend  

Easy to get along with, pleasant and enjoyable, inoffensive, good listener, dry sense of humor, enjoys watching people, has many friends, has compassion and concern.

     Knowledge of the personalities of each person can help us to understand other people and for us to function better in certain situations.  When we begin to understand our differences, we can positively look at each other and not try to make everyone be like us or vice versa.

My Thinning Diet Regimen

     The summer season is the best time of the year for me to lose weight. During this time, metabolic change occurs, or rather my appetite changes because of the summer heat. Breakfast is a heavy meal for me all throughout, but it lessens as the day goes by...with some exception of course if the dinner menu is really superb. Summer's heat lessens my consumption of rice and meat but not pasta ('',). Though I love vegetables, I do love beef. Summer is also that time of the year wherein you can see different types of fruit and the mango season which I really love!

       So, how do I do my thinning diet regimen? 

     During ordinary days, I follow the after 6:00PM diet. Why after 6?  During this time, less energy is expended when relaxing at night and for bodily functions while sleeping, so any calories you consume at night go straight into fat storage according to James Hill, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado. The 6:00 diet theorizes that calories from food consumed during the day are burned off, leading to weight loss. This kind of diet follows the age-old advice to eat more on breakfast since it is the most important meal of the day. As I have said breakfast is a heavy meal for me, I can skip lunch or dinner but not my breakfast. There goes the saying, during breakfast eat like a king, at lunch eat like a  prince, and at dinner eat like a pauper. Following that principle will lessen your weight problem as well. If it works for me, it will work for you but it requires discipline and self-control. 
     During summer days, less work for a teacher like me so I eat less and it's my time clock to eat more fruits than anything. My breakfast during this season depends on the time I wake up. If it's too early like 6 or 7 AM, I would stick to my old habit of heavy breakfast meaning more rice, bread, coffee, and fried dishes. If it's rather late I would eat sliced or diced fruits (papaya or mango or avocado or banana-lakatan, ) blended in a cold glass of milk (3-4 tbsp. of powdered milk without sugar), but fresh milk is much better. To avoid lactose intolerance, I've tried different fruit settings. So it goes the same for me the whole day with some bread though not regularly because I do indulge in some luscious meal of having veggies sauteed with ground beef.   
     Eating fruits have lots of benefits too, less fat and more anti-oxidant which is good for our skin, and I thank myself for that, I still have that supple skin at my age. By the way, I rarely drink soft drinks, just for emergencies if nothing I like is available or if there's no water. I always go for iced tea or natural fruit juices.

 #diet #thinningregimen #summer #aftersixdiet