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War Between Two Worlds-The War Within

     For every battle, there is a winner but for each War, everyone is a loser... for both sides have to suffer the consequence it has brought on. The ever-present war within is the most complicated of all wars. The war that could make another war on its own or a war for real.     
     Can you ever stop it? Will you ever stop it? Are you going to stop it? There is a war going on. A battle.. that nobody could interfere to stop it. No negotiations. No peace treaty could restrain what is going on. Only one will be able to rekindle it. The war within, indecisiveness? confusion? is a battle. A battle between two worlds, two ideals, two minds, even two lives. For one typifies what is right, what to wait, and what to hope. And the other one, what is to feel, what is waiting, what is hoping, new life, new heart..but not sure of what is to gain for having either side. How to loosen to let it be... how to let it go. Can't hide, can't run away from it. Let it cross the bridge to wait and see what will happen..but, the time to decide is right now! I, only I would ever put it to a halt. Which is which I will have to be...only I can decide and yet I will be the one to cry for getting in and let it in...

Meanings Through Affixes

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     Words that are considered base words actually came from other older words, possibly even from another language. These words are called roots. Root words and some affixes can take a newer form and in some cases shift in meaning.
     Affixes are of two types, the prefix, and the suffix. A prefix is added at the beginning of a word while a suffix is added at the end of a word. Knowing the meaning of common prefixes and suffixes is a vocabulary strategy that will help us determine the meaning of a certain unfamiliar word. Breaking down a word into its part is called structural analysis. Through this breaking down or structural analysis, we can assign meanings to these smaller parts and will be able to analyze the meaning of a particular word. Here are some common lists of affixes with their meanings.

What's Your Personality Type?

📷 credits to Chris Madden/Getty images

     Each one of us is unique. We were conceived with a combination of chromosomes that made us different from our siblings even if we're twins. We were all born with different temperaments. We have our own set of inborn traits. The way we dress and walk and talk and act is part of our personality. 
     According to Florence Littauer, author of Personality Plus, there are four types of personality. Each has its own uniqueness in every given situation and circumstance. Take the Personality Profile test

The Sanguine Personality 
The popular. The extrovert. The talker. The optimist.

Sanguine's Emotions

Appealing personality, talkative, storyteller, the life of the party, good sense of humor, color memory, physically holds on to listener, emotional and demonstrative, enthusiastic and expressive, cheerful and bubbling over, curious, good on stage, wide-eyed and innocent, lives in the present, changeable disposition, sincere at heart, always a child.

Sanguine at Work

Volunteers for jobs, think up new activities, looks great on the surface, are creative and colorful, have energy and enthusiasm, start in a flashy way, inspire others to join, and charm others to work.

Sanguine as a Parent

Makes home fun, is liked by children 's friends, turns disaster into humor, and is the circus master.

Sanguine as a Friend

Makes friends easily, loves people, thrives on compliments, seems exciting, envied by others, doesn't hold grudges, apologizes quickly, prevents dull moments, and likes spontaneous activities.

The Melancholy Personality 
The perfect. The introvert. The thinker. The pessimist.

Melancholy's Emotions

Deep and thoughtful, analytical, serious and purposeful, genius prone, talented and creative, artistic or musical, philosophical and poetic, appreciative of beauty, sensitive to others, self-sacrificing, conscientious, idealistic.

Melancholy at Work 

Schedule-oriented, perfectionist, high standards, detail-conscious, persistent and thorough, orderly and organized, neat and tidy, economical, sees the problems, finds creative solutions, needs to finish what has been started, like charts, graphs, figures, and lists.

Melancholy as a Parent 

Sets high standards, wants everything done right, keeps home in good order, picks up after children, sacrifices own will for others, encourages scholarship and talent.

Melancholy as a Friend  

Makes friends cautiously, is content to stay in the background, avoids causing attention, is faithful and devoted, will listen to complaints, can solve others' problems, has a deep concern for other people, moves to tears with compassion, and seeks an ideal mate.

The Choleric Personality  
The powerful. The extrovert. The doer. The optimist.

Choleric's Emotions

A born leader, dynamic and active, compulsive need for change, must correct wrongs, strong-willed and decisive, is unemotional, is not easily discouraged,  independent and self-sufficient, exudes confidence, and can run anything.

Choleric at Work  

Goal-oriented, sees the whole picture, organizes well, seeks practical solutions, moves quickly to action, delegates work, insists on production, makes the goal, stimulates activity, and thrives on opposition.

Choleric as a Parent  

Exerts sound leadership, establishes goals, motivates a family to action knows the right answer, and organizes the household.

Choleric as a Friend  

Has little need for friends, will work for a group activity, will lead and organize, is usually right, excels in emergencies.

The Phlegmatic Personality  
The peaceful. The introvert. The watcher. The pessimist.
Phlegmatic's Emotions  

Low-key personality, easygoing and relaxed, calm, cool, and collected, patient, well-balanced, consistent life, quiet but witty, sympathetic and kind, keep emotions hidden, happily reconciled to life, all-purpose person.

Phlegmatic at Work  

Competent and steady, peaceful and agreeable, have the administrative ability, mediates problems, avoids conflicts, good under pressure, and finds the easy way.

Phlegmatic as a Parent 

Makes a good parent, takes time for the children, is not in a hurry, can take the good with the bad, and doesn't get upset easily.

Phlegmatic as a Friend  

Easy to get along with, pleasant and enjoyable, inoffensive, good listener, dry sense of humor, enjoys watching people, has many friends, has compassion and concern.

     Knowledge of the personalities of each person can help us to understand other people and for us to function better in certain situations.  When we begin to understand our differences, we can positively look at each other and not try to make everyone be like us or vice versa.


Disregarded, forgotten, unimportant..that is what she thinks of herself. One of obscure and unimportant standing unknown for many years. She was neglected, up in the air. Uncertain of those things around her. Unknowing whether somebody is coming or going. Lost dreams..confined to her own self-imprisonment. ..that's what she thinks of herself ..only because someone made her think that way. As the years passed by, that someone is on the same waving toss of neglect, unimportance, forgotten..for he is consuming the time given, wasting the gift and keeping the guilt on himself..she goes out to tell where she came from and that someone had caused her so much pain..still..the pain, it lingers..cannot be forgotten, cannot be disregarded though unimportant to make her going...How is it then to feel that someone with whom she shared so many wonderful moments has forgotten the hardships they went she has suffered for the disrespect? Walking aimlessly, swayed by anger; thinking endlessly, crushed by pain; staring blankly, unable spirit..go out, fly or take a limb..and follow the light passing through to make it out from limbo.
image credits to the owner

The Three Great Men of Israel: What We Could Learn From Them

     During my attendance at a post-encounter study of the Bible, we had a short discussion about temptations. It came to my mind the irony of how these three of the many great people of God faced decisions or choices they had made. What they did and how they managed with their trials.   Joseph, the so-called the dreamer for he had dreamt of his future and interpreted the dreams of other people including that of a Pharaoh. Samson was a man of strength that had killed a lion and three thousand men. King David, who was at a young age killed a giant with his sling and through faith in God. All these men have shown great faith in God and undergone trials that could teach each one of us a lesson.
     Joseph, son of Jacob by Rachel, his favorite among his 12 children, was sold as a slave by his own brothers. He was brought to Egypt and became a trusted servant of the Minister of defense. The wife of the minister seduced him but he knew that it was wrong in the eyes of the  Lord and he ran away from her. But then he was still instigated for the crime he did not commit. He was imprisoned, interpreted dreams, and became one of the ministers of Pharaoh. When the time came for Joseph to meet his brothers again who had sold him, he forgave them and realized that it should happen to save the people of Israel from a great famine.
     Samson, a Nazirite set apart from God since birth, was put under a special consecration governed by the Nazirite (meaning separated or dedicated) vow. No razor would ever be used in his head and great strength was upon him. God had apparently planned to provide Samson with unbelievable superhuman strength to be used against the Philistines. As Samson had grown, he seemed to lack the concern about Philistines' oppressive domination of Israel. Samson even tried to blend into their lustful and perverted society and married a Philistine much to the dismay of his disapproving parents. Sex is the bane of many a man and Samson didn’t resist its pull. He frequented harlots and seemed bent on following the destructive pulls of his flesh. One mistake after another-one loose woman to the next-that was the path Samson took during his twenty-year judgeship in Israel. He had been largely faithful to his Nazirite vow and at times made an effort to serve God, but his desire for Philistine women was his undoing. Unlike Joseph, he dabbles in the things around him, that later slipped him away from God's favor. He had revealed the secret of his strength to a woman he loved due to her frequent prodding. It was too late for Samson to realize his mistakes. The Philistines had gouged out his eyes, bind him in chains, fastened him to a grinding wheel in a dark prison, and made him grind grain like an ox, stepping in his own manure and continuous abuse from his captors.

      King David, had great faith in God. Fighting the giant of Philistine with a mere slingshot he killed it. He knew that God would help him to fight. David's faith in God caused him to look at the giant from a different perspective. Goliath was merely a mortal man defying an all-powerful God. David looked at the battle from God's point of view. But what made him fall?..he coveted the wife of one of his armies. He had caused the death of this man, Urriah the Hittite by putting him on the frontline to be killed. At his death, King David had his wife brought to his house and became his wife. The Lord was displeased with what he had done, so God sent Nathan to tell King David that he dishonored God in what he had done and that God would bring trouble into his household as a consequence of what he did. King David later asked for forgiveness for the things he did. Realizing what he had done David repented of his sin and asked God to restore him.

     What we could learn from these three great men?.. Run away from temptation, and make a stand against doing it as Joseph did. His life became a blessing for following God. The Egyptian Pharaoh had him as the second-in-command. He was able to save Israel and Egypt from the great famine of seven years. And one more thing, he forgave his brothers for what they had done. Joseph had thought that his brothers who sold him as slaves to Egypt were a purpose of God for a great job he would partake in saving His people.
     What we could learn from these three great men?.. Do not conform to the ways of the world. Seek the Lord's will, do the purpose you have been created for as Samson had not done. Always remember that sex or lust of the flesh is one of the primary sins that could take us down. Giving in to the desire of our flesh more than the desire to do the right thing might bring us to our own destruction, our miserable life, or a sad end.
      What we could learn from these three great men?.. Realize your mistakes as early as possible. It is better to be convicted by our own conscience rather than be convicted by other people. Heed what your brothers in Christ or elders are saying. To realize is not well enough if you haven't confessed and asked for God's grace and mercy to forgive you. As King David had done, he realized his mistakes right away as God sent a prophet to rebuke him, he asked for God's forgiveness, and he restored his faith and joy of his salvation unto God. Though David's wrongdoing as a consequence led to the chaos of his own household, God's grace and mercy were upon him. He was faithful to God, nonetheless, God had chosen David's line from whom HIS only Son would be born.
     In all of our trials/temptations, we could do as Joseph did, literally run away and do what was right. Though Samson was able to realize his mistakes and have his thoughts toward God before he died, he had lived a miserable life under his enemies. I am sure no one wanted to have a fall. There are consequences for everything that we do. For every temptation that we encounter, the decision is ours to make and it's better to say no. In all stances that we have fallen, God is there to forgive us, His grace and mercy can be counted on. King David, when rebuked by the prophet Nathan for the sin he had committed and as commanded by God, asked numerous forgiveness in the Scripture. Through it all, God had restored him but still, the consequences of what he did might be unbearable for a man without faith in God and King David was a man of faith. So, it's better to run away and keep our focus on the truth and the loving arms of God...


     YOU have been my companion since I was a child in a noisy and darker place...YOU're the ONE I've been calling to save me from the wrath of my Mother... they never knew...I thought I had forgotten, but it's all coming back..maybe because of the same situation that I am going through. I was surprised to find out the reason why I had those nightmares, woke up crying calling for my father..the same nightmare haunting when I was a's all coming back...they never knew...only YOU. I don't understand what is beneath. 
     Until one day, wasn't able to contain what is within..unleashing it because of anger..rage. It's a mistake, it's painful. I know I've hurt YOU, I have caused YOU pain. I left. I knew YOU never wanted me to do those things. And yet YOU never left me. YOU stay with me and I give's YOUR turn now..laying all the things on what I had done, I almost lost it..the one important thing YOU have given me. 
     Now it's between YOU and me again...YOU're the only One who understands..the only One who can control me. The pain of past mistakes. The pain of losing from YOUR sight. The pain of not looking back to where I was and the memories of what YOU had done for me since I was a child. Now the nightmare is coming back...I wouldn't risk losing from YOUR sight. I am still the child YOU have known, a bit older, a bit changed for YOU. It's in YOU whom I could cry all out, I could be me. YOU know me. YOU understand. YOU love me.

Our Father..How Great is His Love

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    Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name, your Kingdom comes, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.... a line of praise for our Great Father who founded the family, who gave up His Son for us to be saved.

 "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him." (John 3:16-17, NIV). 

     The heartbreak He had felt when He provided salvation for us. The decision of giving up His only Son to suffer the mocking of the crowd. Every lash and pain, every weight and humiliation of our sin, the agony of being alone and abandoned....the Father's heart was deeply pained. Yet to save us all, He let it be so that whenever we believe in the reason that His only Son had died for us and risen victoriously, we have a right to be His child and call Him Our Father.
     He is there looking at us, seeing how we grow...teaching us...He knows every bit of us...He understands...He is there waiting for us...

My Thinning Diet Regimen

     The summer season is the best time of the year for me to lose weight. During this time, metabolic change occurs, or rather my appetite changes because of the summer heat. Breakfast is a heavy meal for me all throughout, but it lessens as the day goes by...with some exception of course if the dinner menu is really superb. Summer's heat lessens my consumption of rice and meat but not pasta ('',). Though I love vegetables, I do love beef. Summer is also that time of the year wherein you can see different types of fruit and the mango season which I really love!

       So, how do I do my thinning diet regimen? 

     During ordinary days, I follow the after 6:00PM diet. Why after 6?  During this time, less energy is expended when relaxing at night and for bodily functions while sleeping, so any calories you consume at night go straight into fat storage according to James Hill, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado. The 6:00 diet theorizes that calories from food consumed during the day are burned off, leading to weight loss. This kind of diet follows the age-old advice to eat more on breakfast since it is the most important meal of the day. As I have said breakfast is a heavy meal for me, I can skip lunch or dinner but not my breakfast. There goes the saying, during breakfast eat like a king, at lunch eat like a  prince, and at dinner eat like a pauper. Following that principle will lessen your weight problem as well. If it works for me, it will work for you but it requires discipline and self-control. 
     During summer days, less work for a teacher like me so I eat less and it's my time clock to eat more fruits than anything. My breakfast during this season depends on the time I wake up. If it's too early like 6 or 7 AM, I would stick to my old habit of heavy breakfast meaning more rice, bread, coffee, and fried dishes. If it's rather late I would eat sliced or diced fruits (papaya or mango or avocado or banana-lakatan, ) blended in a cold glass of milk (3-4 tbsp. of powdered milk without sugar), but fresh milk is much better. To avoid lactose intolerance, I've tried different fruit settings. So it goes the same for me the whole day with some bread though not regularly because I do indulge in some luscious meal of having veggies sauteed with ground beef.   
     Eating fruits have lots of benefits too, less fat and more anti-oxidant which is good for our skin, and I thank myself for that, I still have that supple skin at my age. By the way, I rarely drink soft drinks, just for emergencies if nothing I like is available or if there's no water. I always go for iced tea or natural fruit juices.

 #diet #thinningregimen #summer #aftersixdiet

Think Aloud

Speak out, blurt it, scream, cry...moving thoughts wanting to get out. Bursting with feeling, unknown be known. Thoughts are running on my mind..things I should have said the first time.. shouting out loud those anger and hatred and betrayal, painful tears weeping I have kept for a long time...decisions I should have done before..but is it the right thing to do?? I can't move on, my heart cries out for mind screams for the unfairness. Too many questions left unanswered..too many shortcomings remained unfilled..too many dreams unfulfilled that I have to do on my own. Those days are gone, nobody knows what happened, and no one bothered to ask how I was...Added to the pain and the insult to injury, "people" around never understand, judging me and not the culprit. How I wanted to say I was a victim once and a victim again ..they are close and yet they are not, allowing them no more the next time. Thinking...loud I will, loud I must...

Making Money Online Through Clixsense

     When I got online five years ago, I was looking for ways how to earn online. The Internet has just started to boom then, and various internet cards proliferate the market. Then came the broadband wave with some router or phone equipment and DSL until we now have a broadband stick and Wi-Fi to choose from. I have tried all these, looking for possible money online. I have found some sites offering links to become affiliates of this and that to earn. Some are free and for some, you have to invest some money. Sadly, I couldn't find one until I gave up. I almost forgot about my blog site, the blogger. 
     Two years ago I stumbled upon my own blog site when I searched my name on Google. I don't know how I could open it, it was hacked maybe. I find ways to get it back and so I did. I started blogging again, and more opportunities are available than before. Some are paid, some are free, some are for trials for a certain day, and some are links to help your blog site or website to bring readers in. As you can see on your right side, there are links to increase viewership, sponsors, adlinks, pay-per-click, etc. On the top page are banner ads. For now, I am going to tell you about Clixsense, how it works and how to earn money from it. For all of these, it won't take much of your time and it would probably only take you 10 minutes.
     Clixsense is an online advertising program. As a money-making opportunity at home, you can actually get paid for your web browsing, up to $0.02 for every website visited. Accumulate your earnings until you reach the payout amount. Visiting the site of clixsense's advertisers can give you earnings that much. Plus there are other opportunities open for clixsense online consumers. The income you earn is paid directly to you every month. The best part about the ClixSense program is that as a potential online consumer, there is no charge to register your new account and begin earning money immediately. It's FREE but if you want to level up your earnings, you are going to make funding of $17.00 for a year. Upon payment of the funding, they will give you 1000 welcome ad credits and higher commissions.

Member Benefits
• Browser Toolbar With Instant Notification of New Ads Available
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    I am a member of this money-making opportunity. I am now in my one year in Clixsense.

PhilPop Music Festival

How many great Filipino songwriters does an everyday Filipino know? Chances are they only know a few.

 “The First Philippine Popular Music Festival” is a songwriting competition open to all amateur and professional composers who are Filipinos or of Filipino descent residing in the Philippines. The competition not only aims to celebrate the talent of Filipino songwriting but to glorify the contributions of songwriters and composers to the Filipino music industry.
Orchestrating the competition is no other than Maestro Ryan Cayabyab, the country’s prominent songwriter, musician, academic, and the Festival’s Executive Director. “Mr. C” plans to bring together the Filipino talents into one grand event.
The event is the outcome of Overall Chairman Manny V. Pangilinan and Organizing Committee Chairman Ricky Vargas’ desire to help revive the Philippine music industry.

 For more information click here:

#musicfest #philpopmusic #ryancayabyab #songwriters


Struggle..proceed with difficulty or great effort? Struggle..make strenuous or violent efforts in the face of difficulties or opposition? Struggle..decide which action to take? Struggle..choose between what is convenient and what it needs to be obedient? Struggle..go over the practicality or the hardship? Struggle..feel can sigh or cry. Torn between two principles, it's difficult to proceed. You have to make a strenuous effort to face it, to choose and decide. Is it convenience over obedience? The struggle for convenience is choosing the practicality of it all. Letting go, pick up the pieces, have it your way, move on and tell the world where you are, ready to face another new life without him, his pain, and his demon-like attitude...But, still, .. struggling.. with the thought...struggle for obedience. Choosing obedience, from One Who ruled, from One Who Lord it over, from One Who made it's hardship along the way. Hoping and waiting. Painful and lonely. Sadness and tears. Ridicule and insult. What could have been so beautiful has gone awry...gone were the days of fruitful memories. The path to obedience is hardship, but why is it important to take heed? What lies ahead the hardship is a morning sun promised by One. Struggle to keep the faith...struggle to hold on to the promises..struggle to proceed .. struggle.. for man is weak but needs to keep his senses for the One ..for man knows at the end of the road is a bright light waiting for him..convenient for a moment?.. or be obedient and walk into the light?...

The Cross

'Ants are crossing through a stick leading to the water. A child noticed that the ants might get drowned, so he was shouting at them. "Hey, ants, don't go there! You might get drowned, go back!" He keeps shouting at them then came his father and said, "my son, they would not understand you. You are human, they are ants. You should be one of the ants so they would be able to understand you.' 

This short story tells us that God the Son was to be like us for us to be understood and for us to understand Him. So we could be saved just as he wanted us to be saved.

The cross where Jesus was crucified took on a new significance whereas before, the cross had been used as an instrument of torture and death in Babylon and Rome. On the cross, Jesus Christ shed His blood as God wanted to rescue us from the dominion of darkness and for Jesus to bring us into His kingdom. On the cross, we have redemption, the forgiveness of our sins. 
Before, we were enemies of God because of our evil behavior, but now He has reconciled us by Christ's physical body through death to present us holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusations. We have to know, understand and believe what Jesus did for us on the cross. We must humbly come to Him in faith. All our efforts are nothing but Jesus' work is everything, His work on the cross as He declared "it is finished." When it's done we receive full forgiveness of our sins.

The cross of Christ is the bridge between man and God. 

When Jesus breathe His last breath, the curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom. For many years before Jesus' death, the most sacred place on earth had been the temple, where the presence of God dwelled behind a thick curtain. Only one person a year, the high priest, was allowed to pass by that curtain and enter the presence of God on one day, the Day of Atonement. At the death of Jesus Christ, the temple curtain ripped from top to bottom, signifying that God had opened his presence to the world through the cross of Jesus.

 " Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (NIV John 14:6)

Pleasure or Joy

Giving time to God in a solitary place is like having a date with Jesus, talking, and being with Him the whole day. The time spent is not in vain. It was confirmed to me today through my daily Bible reading this morning. It is about the joy in our hearts and the passing pleasures in our environment. Despite the storm and the loneliness, I have many reasons to be joyful. Talking to God, asking for His guidance, the faith in Him, and His assurance. I've got joy in my heart. A real joy..complete.

To share with you In the Our Daily Bread article, joy was differentiated from pleasures.

For a joy that will last, always put Christ first!

*Acknowledgement to Henry Bosch of Our Daily Bread


Our Cebu Tour ..

top view of Imperial Palace Resort taken from 8th for

     February 2, 3, and 4, are our scheduled stays in one beach resort in Dalaguete Cebu. Don't want to mention the name of the resort for we were not satisfied with the accommodation and their services. Anyway, we were very excited to board a plane since this would be the first time for my eldest and youngest, I got 4 kids and they were all with me during the trip. We arrived before 6am at Mactan Airport, and from there we rode a taxi to take us to Dalaguete, a 2-hour ride from Mactan. Have seen on the map that we have been on from end to end of the island. 
     With all the tiresome trip we were expecting a warm welcome from the resort staff..but one welcomes us, and we were even asked if we had made a reservation! To make the story short, they had given us a room. It's a big but old family room, with a mirrored door but no curtains. Well, the beach is not as good and as clean as in Boracay, we prefer to swim in their pool. Our first night there was a sleepless one for I don't know I'd been uneasy the whole night, maybe because my knee joint was aching or I don't feel secure with the place. I think the latter was the reason for I am not at ease when in a strange and far away place unless there are many people around and hotel guards. It was raining hard that night and brownouts occurred .. creepy. Since this is not a hotel and far from the one we used to stay in Boracay, I should not expect something special to happen. We were supposed to stay there 2 nights and 3 days but I decided to go back to the city the next morning and find someplace to stay and where we could also swim. 
     From Dalaguete to Lapu-Lapu City, we were led to a five-star hotel, Imperial Palace Water Resort, and Spa..whew for just overnight ..don't want to remember that huge amount..geesh, it still aches my pocket. Anyway, I've given my kids their best time to enjoy and it's giving me happiness to see them with it. The breakfast eat-all-you-can was superb with all the different oriental cuisine. We really have a good time since breakfast time is our favorite and the biggest... ('-')...Of course, our swimming would not be complete without our Olympus underwater camera. 
     I would say Cebu is like Manila in its structure, even when we were over the city on the plane you would think from above you're still in Manila. Though we had a short time exploring the place, there are nice beaches around, and it's not that polluted compared to Manila. Traveling throughout Dalaguete and Cebu City, you would still see the simplicity of life in some remote areas to those in the city. Magellan's cross is not as big as my son had thought before. By the way, we are very grateful to the driver who gave us full service touring the city and fetched us from Mactan airport to Dalaguete to Lapu-Lapu and to Mactan for our flight. Call me for his number if you want a driver who can be trusted..('-'). And remember, when you say Cebu, it's the island, and Cebu City is within that island as well as Lapu-Lapu City.

Tears of Weeping

Some tears tell the unexpected has happened, and the things you have prayed for have been answered. Tears that say it's finally over and you're done with it. Tears that show deep and seething pain, pain that cuts like a knife. Wounded soul, hovers throughout the day. The gloomy sky seems to understand its loneliness, an advent of rain to come. No one could understand how painful it is. Weeping all throughout the night, silent weep but turbulent cry. Tears of weeping no one could discern. Cry, cry, cry, weep and weep. In between sobs, it was about to ask why .. cry it all out .. weep as much .. the black clouds of the night began to scatter as the rain falls wanting to let go all through the day.  In the dark corner, tears of weeping are heard .. it seems a bottomless pit .. does not end ..only calms like a turbulent sea that only Him can stop .. just like the tears of weeping only His arms can comfort...

Mercy...Not Sacrifice

     Reading the book of Matthews, I have come across one of Jesus' statements that do have an impact on me as a Christian, "I desire mercy not sacrifice" (Matthews 9:13&12:7). Jesus said these words when He heard what the Pharisees had asked His disciples about why He was eating with the tax collectors and sinners. On another occasion, the Pharisees condemn Jesus for allowing His disciples to pick some grains on the field and eat them during the Sabbath. At first, I thought, Jesus was talking about for people to show or feeling mercy on Him than giving their sacrifices. Upon researching, I thought I was wrong and also found out that somehow I may be correct.
      In the context of what Jesus has stated, he said those words when the Pharisees had asked questions that might be caught Him unaware (as the Pharisees had thought). For that matter, Jesus answered that it is not healthy who need a doctor, it is sick. Jesus told His people to go and find out what it means that He desires mercy and not sacrifice. Jesus also cited what David did when they were hungry, eating the consecrated bread which is unlawful for them to do and yet they are innocent. In a simple explanation, what I understood from the searches I have found, Jesus doesn't need our sacrifices if it isn't done in true devotion and faith and in love. Our sacrifices meant nothing if we don't have love. It was like, we are working all day making sacrifices for our parents, kids,  or siblings and yet we are just doing it because it is our responsibility and obligation to do so but we don't have love, all our sacrifices would be in vain. We will not be happy and contented doing all these things.
    Jesus said "I desire mercy not sacrifice" because he wanted His people to do what He has done, showing mercy for the sinners, for the lost soul, and for the broken spirit. Forgiveness for those who offended us, not being judgmental to other people, being considerate, and being sensitive to the needs of our fellows are what Jesus desires for us to do. Jesus had offered His life so He could save the sinners, find the lost soul, and heal the broken spirit. All these things Jesus had done because He loves us.  Following His example, Jesus desires for us to do His work, to make sacrifices out of love. I may be true to what I had thought first, that Jesus needs to feel that we love Him than giving our sacrifices for Him. For if we do love Him, what we have done to other people, we have done it unto Him. Follow His example and our sacrifices will not be in vain.

Quality or Formality Education?...

     Education tells who you are...does it?.. But what does education tells us?.. a stable job? success? speaking and writing in languages other than our mother tongue? proficient communication? talking confidently? good stature? Have a diploma? good manners? or rather, it's learning?..unfortunately, that's a fact now..learning comes last followed by good manners when talking about education. But what is education really mean? Education in its broadest sense is the means through which the aims and habits of a group of people live on from one generation to the next. It occurs through any experience that has a formative effect on the way one thinks, feels, or acts. Education in its narrow, technical sense, is the formal process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills, customs, and values from one generation to another, such as instruction in schools. In the latter sense, this is where the question of quality and formality emerges.
     Quality education leads and plays a major role in excellent student education. An excellent education can be done through teaching methods and a curriculum that works for the students as well as the country's present situation. In having quality education, institution sets standards of achievement. An achievement test is being implemented at a different level, from division to regional to a national achievement test. Students undergo these tests to determine if they have attained the standards set for achievement, and these tests also acknowledge the kind of educational system in which the students are enrolled. In this manner, comes the question of the formality of education.
     Formality education or rather formality of education refers to the structure and system or process being implemented for the attainment of learning. The question lies in the attainment of learning and the process, being the process as a means and learning as an end. Due to the structure of certain schools and the government agency responsible for education, the means become an end. To follow the standards set for achievement and the system and the process, the real goal was set aside which we don't know exactly who would benefit from it since learning of students as a goal was not really achieved. Teachers, Principals, Division Heads, Supervisors, etc, are busy implementing school rules and educational systems and are occupied with the submission of different paper requirements and documents as well as beautifying the school's image. Every year, you can ask students if they have learned the required curriculum that they had just passed, but I doubt if they have. 
     Quality or formality? the end or the means? it and know the difference, know it deeper and think how it is..look down and read...
     Though it seems right..let's take the job as a task. Learning is for a future task...Results are obtained when the former students start their new tasks...

Zenni Optical Launch Buy 2 pairs Get 1 pair Free Deal

     Vision problems affect our daily lives, especially in performing our work. Also, during our leisure time like watching our favorite sports game, we tend to miss the details of game surprises due to vision problems. We can't help but wear prescription glasses. Wearing prescription glasses goes with a fashion sense, fitting the frames, checking its quality and price range..and if you're one of the people who wear it for fashion but checking on getting more than what you pay for..visit Zenni Optical, #1 online eyeglasses store offering high quality $ 6.95 prescription eyeglasses. Virtually any glasses, even bifocal or progressive eyeglasses, can be ordered on Zenni's website with tint, whether for fashion or sunglasses. Full-rim, half-rim, or even rimless frame eyeglasses can be tinted to suit your style or use, and with tint only $4.95; it’s an option not to be overlooked. And have you figured it out? Fitting the frames even online?.. You can try any frame before you buy with the Zenni Frame Fit system. (I was even amazed trying to fit the frames myself!) Check them out! And with the affordable price at Zenni, you can buy multiple pairs and get to switch styles to match the outfit or mood.
     And as some of us know, astigmatism usually runs in the family, as well as nearsightedness and farsightedness. If one or both of the parents have it, there is a tendency for their kids to have it too. And wearing prescription glasses in the family needs an affordable eyeglasses price range and quality. Visit Zenni Optical, they are running a "Buy 2 pairs get the 3rd pair FREE" (equal or less value) promotion on all eyeglasses.
      A perfect match for your family's needs on prescription glasses! Plus...all their glasses include free anti-scratch coating, free thin and light 1.57 index single vision lens, free full UV protection, a free protective case, and a free microfiber cleaning cloth. Imagine those benefits that you can get with a price of two but three pairs to be delivered to your door. Think about buying more than what you pay for.

Ease Your Loneliness

     Many people if not some are lonely. They build walls instead of bridges. That very same thing has happened to me. Trials of life and discouragement from people whom I have trusted. I stopped talking to people and go out. I have my own world then. But then I realized, I still have some that left of me and I should be happy that I have kids...and truly, they are my treasures. They have kept praying for me until I decided to go back to where I have grown up as a Christian, my Church, my Christian home. 
     Being lonely is not the end of the world but a way to understand other people who are undergoing the same situation, thus, the opportunity to reach out and find encouragement for each other. Through this blog, I hope I can reach out to many people by sharing these thoughts and discover how these three actions can help to ease our loneliness.  Dave Branon of "Our Daily Bread" correlated them with verses in the Bible. 

1) Learn contentment. Read Philippians 4:10-13, then ask God to help you to depend on Him each day and to learn to be content in any situation.
     "I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last, you have renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you have been concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

2) Do good for someone. Read Hebrews 13:1-3, then look for someone in need of help. You will get rid of loneliness for both of you.
     "Keep on loving each other as brothers. Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it. Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow prisoners and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering."

3) Worship with God's people. Read Hebrews 10:21-25 which emphasizes the value of worshiping with other believers, Find someone with whom you can praise God. 
     "...and since we have a great priest over the house of God, let us draw near to God with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. and let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another - and all the more as you see the Day approaching."

     These actions will redirect your thinking and remind you that when you know God you are never alone. Lean on Jesus for contentment. 

     If you feel lonely and alone, feel free to talk to me. ('',)

#loneliness #alone #God #christian 

7 Things That We Can Do In Discovering God's Will

     According to Joanie Yoder, one of the writers in "Our Daily Bread", a daily devotional guide, some people love to serve God, but they don't know what to do. The best way to discover God's specific will for your life is to obey His clearly revealed will. There she enumerates a list of how God wants us to live and what He wants us to do.

1) Love and pray for your enemies.
     "But I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you."  - Matthew 5:44 (NIV)

2) Walk by faith and not by sight.
     "We live by faith, not by sight." - 2 Corinthians 5:7 (NIV)

3) Love God by enduring temptation.
     "Blessed is the man who perseveres under trial because when he has  stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love Him." - James 1:12 (NIV)

4) Serve one another.
     "You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love." - Galatians 5:13 (NIV)

5) Lay up treasures in heaven.
     "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal." - Matthew 6:19-20 (NIV)

6) Share the gospel with the lost.
     "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." -  Matthew 28:19-20 (NIV)

7) Exercise your spiritual gifts.
     "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently; if it is showing mercy, let him do it cheerfully." - Romans 12:6-8 (NIV)

Our Boracay Tour

     Kinda late to write about our Boracay tour, but since we just came from the Cebu tour a week ago, I can't stop comparing the two places and what we experienced in the previous one.
     The thought of boarding a plane really excites us, especially for a mom who would give her kids a taste for the first time traveling through the plane. I got 4 kids but only the 2 of them were with me on our Boracay tour. Excited since it is our first, we would be able to see Manila lights from above since our flight is at 5:20am, the seas, the clouds..and how does it feel when the plane is about to take off.
     We have a smooth journey and from Kalibo airport, somebody was waiting for us to take us to Caticlan, which is part of the promo package I had bought from an Ensogo deal. An hour of travel lulled us to sleep later we have to board a ferry boat to take us to the island of Boracay. Another ride was waiting to take us to our accommodation tour package in Patio Pacific Hotel Boracay. I would say if u want a more quiet place to stay, not too far from the beach hub and free from the loud music of bars and restaurants, choose this one. Secured, cozy rooms with wi-fi and cable tv, great dishes as well as friendly staff, and affordable rates.
     With our accommodation, daily breakfast is included on buffet one lunch and dinner. On our 1st day, we decided to have our lunch outside a hotel in D'Mall rather than take the free lunch. Since it would be harder for us to find a restaurant for dinner, we had availed of our free dinner on our 1st night there and exchanged our free lunch for another dinner on our 2nd night. While eating, the kids and I kept thinking about their eldest and youngest siblings (I am with my 2nd and 3rd kids) who were left behind as suggested by their father. With all the menu being served, we can't stop thinking if they are there too. The food servings and the staff and crew at Patio Pacific Hotel Boracay are worth our dime. Php 8888, 3days 2 nights with round trip transfer from Kalibo to Caticlan, free daily breakfast, one lunch, one dinner for 2 and you can bring along one child below 10 years old for free.

Boracay, November 2011

     What would enchant a visiting tourist in Boracay? What I love in Boracay is the white fine sand, swimming with small fishes even near the shore, the hotel accommodation, the freshwater pearls, different people from different places and cultures, a  no inhibition zone (you can even walk on the beach and the national road on two-piece or bareback without intimidation). Visiting this place is worth your trip.

Click here to see more.

Wonderful Opportunities

Life is full of opportunities, but they say opportunity knocks once. As I am reading a lesson on Pre-encounter to an Encounter with God, opportunities are in abundance. It changes my outlook on opportunities. As long as we live, we could have these opportunities, the four wonderful opportunities that would change us ...

1) The Encounter Opportunity
This struck me the matter how far we have strayed from God, we can STOP right now and TURN BACK to Him. Remember the story of the prodigal son? The son made the decision to return to his father's house looking for a second chance. (Luke 15:11-20), we can do the same thing by deciding to have an encounter with our Father God. Anyone ...ANYONE .. who desires to have an encounter with God CAN do so. God is always close to us, as close as the air we breathe."We are His offspring"(Acts 17:27-28).

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." - Jeremiah 29:13

2) The Reconciliation Opportunity

We can have true reconciliation with anyone if we recognize our sins, and our faults and ask for forgiveness. The same thing with our God, ACKNOWLEDGING our sins, REPENTANCE and ASKING for His forgiveness, and RENOUNCING all the evil we have committed. When we do this, God stretches forth His merciful hand toward us. 1 John 1:9 assures us: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sin and purify us from all unrighteousness. Just like the prodigal son, seeing his fallen condition he decided to come back so as not to stay in that condition and take the risk to find a new opportunity. An opportunity to be in his father's place once again.

"I will set out and go back to my father and say to him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against You. I am no longer worthy to be called Your son; make me like one of your servant men." - Luke 15:18-19

3) The Restoration Opportunity

As to how an old painting is being restored by its painter, a new set of coloring kits is being dabbed in and a time spent to bring back its natural and original beauty, God does it to His sons. All of our sins deserve punishment, but God allowed His Son Jesus Christ to take our place and pay for our sins. Just like the father in the prodigal son, he decided to restore his lost son's dignity when he came back and ask for his forgiveness. He ordered a fattened calf to be a sacrifice in honor of his son's return. 

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this; while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:8

4) The Provision Opportunity

As children of God, we have all the privileges that we could enjoy. God considers us His dear children, making us participants of the same riches and glory as Jesus Christ. Once, we had lost these privileges because of sin. Coming back to Him, He dresses us in the best garments, puts the best shoes on us, and gives us the ring that represents the authority we now enjoy as His children and heirs. God treats us as His beloved children.

"Yet to all who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God." - John 1:12

In general, when there is an opportunity, there will be an encounter a new task, a new life. Opportunities would open a new door to a new beginning. Specifically, these opportunities are always available to us, life-changing opportunities, to begin with.

When You Are Hopeless..

image credits to

I've chanced upon to watch this video...what I could say is.."Oh my God!"..these are people who seem hopeless but managed to survive despite their disabilities. I thought of my 5-year-old daughter who wouldn't be able to walk, because of a congenital defect. I am hoping for her...Hoping to see the day she could walk or excel in everything she does despite her disabilities, despite what she went through and what she will encounter as she grows up..and for all the people out there, watch this video, with courage and determination and God's help, nothing is impossible...

Hoping is believing...Believe even when others don't. Believe even against the darkness all around. Believe even when it is impossible. Believing is having faith...And we have a BIG GOD to have a BIG FAITH..(",)

#faith #hope #hopeless #believe #nothingisimpossible

The New Year And New Hope

Image credits to

"The Gate of the Year"


- Minnie Louise Haskins (1908)

And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year:
“Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.”
And he replied:
“Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God.
That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.”
So I went forth, and finding the Hand of God, trod gladly into the night.
And He led me towards the hills and the breaking of day in the lone East.

So heart bestill: 
What needs our little life  
Our human life to know,  
If God hath comprehension? 
In all the dizzy strife  
Of things both high and low,  
God hideth His intention.
God knows. 
His will Is best. 
The stretch of years  
Which wind ahead, so dim  
To our imperfect vision,  
Are clear to God. 
Our fears  
Are premature; 
In Him, All time hath full provision.
Then rest: until God moves to lift the veil  
From our impatient eyes,  
When, as the sweeter features  
Of Life’s stern face we hail,  
Fair beyond all surmise  
God’s thoughts around His creatures  
Our minds shall fill. 

This poem became popular and caught the attention of many people when Queen Elizabeth (the Queen Mother) handed a copy of it to her husband, King George VI, and used it as one inspirational quote in his Christmas Broadcast in 1939. God Knows is the original title given by the author but it is popularly known as Gate of the Year.
It has also caught my attention as it was a part of our family devotion before the turns of the year.  (Using some of my devotional pieces from my subscription in  crosswalk is really a blessing, authored by different remarkable Christians who stood by their faith.) This poem is a think tank on what lights can do to move in the darkness, to see what is known, to see what lies ahead this new year..and yet the most that we can do is to sink our hands deeply to God so He would light and lead us into the path of the unknown. 
"He who trusts in the Lord will be exalted," (Proverbs 29:25) Nothing is better if we could light our path by following His words yet there is more than reading it...if we could hold on to Him knowing He wouldn't lead us astray... so whatever the struggles that we have left behind, a new hope for this new year is to keep holding on to His promises, trusting God, and let Him lead us.

And as we make the turn to a new year, a face that needs and sink our hand more deeply into God's hand. Pray for one another that as we embark upon a new year, God will grant us and our family His favor.