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Showing posts with label shattered. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shattered. Show all posts

The Pedestal

     The pedestal is like a throne that you have put someone into. A pedestal is as high as a tower that you have placed someone on top of it, the peak. Admiring a person who is someone great for you, unblemished, and uncritical is also dangerous, not only to that person but also to the one who admires. 
I once had that someone almost perfect in my sight, and yet the saying goes, nobody's perfect. I have to stop and think about it, cannot believe what this someone had done. Sometimes or most of the time, what we see is not the real thing, We cannot say a person who professes to love the Lord or has spent most of their life in a seminary or convent is free from temptation and from committing a sin. 
What I have in mind then is a glass pedestal, it slowly crumbles like shattered glass. They say everybody deserves a second chance, so I gave it. Trusting is really hard, but then repairing the tower, the pedestal, the glass..still, it had the chirp and crack. Everything goes well till then until other people would throw something at the pedestal. Once again, it crumbles down, breaks into pieces, and shattered glass all over the place. If anyone wanted a piece, it's useless, beyond repair if someone would tried to, irreparably.  
     More things learned, be ready and be on alert for temptations to pass through. Listen to your parents especially if you know that they wanted the best for you, all through your life. Everybody is not immune to temptations and sins, even priests, pastors, and ministers, open your eyes to life's realities. Never put someone on a pedestal, when it crumbles, it crumbles and shatters with you. Best of all, only One should be put on the pedestal.