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Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jesus Christ. Show all posts


     YOU have been my companion since I was a child in a noisy and darker place...YOU're the ONE I've been calling to save me from the wrath of my Mother... they never knew...I thought I had forgotten, but it's all coming back..maybe because of the same situation that I am going through. I was surprised to find out the reason why I had those nightmares, woke up crying calling for my father..the same nightmare haunting when I was a's all coming back...they never knew...only YOU. I don't understand what is beneath. 
     Until one day, wasn't able to contain what is within..unleashing it because of anger..rage. It's a mistake, it's painful. I know I've hurt YOU, I have caused YOU pain. I left. I knew YOU never wanted me to do those things. And yet YOU never left me. YOU stay with me and I give's YOUR turn now..laying all the things on what I had done, I almost lost it..the one important thing YOU have given me. 
     Now it's between YOU and me again...YOU're the only One who understands..the only One who can control me. The pain of past mistakes. The pain of losing from YOUR sight. The pain of not looking back to where I was and the memories of what YOU had done for me since I was a child. Now the nightmare is coming back...I wouldn't risk losing from YOUR sight. I am still the child YOU have known, a bit older, a bit changed for YOU. It's in YOU whom I could cry all out, I could be me. YOU know me. YOU understand. YOU love me.

The Cross

'Ants are crossing through a stick leading to the water. A child noticed that the ants might get drowned, so he was shouting at them. "Hey, ants, don't go there! You might get drowned, go back!" He keeps shouting at them then came his father and said, "my son, they would not understand you. You are human, they are ants. You should be one of the ants so they would be able to understand you.' 

This short story tells us that God the Son was to be like us for us to be understood and for us to understand Him. So we could be saved just as he wanted us to be saved.

The cross where Jesus was crucified took on a new significance whereas before, the cross had been used as an instrument of torture and death in Babylon and Rome. On the cross, Jesus Christ shed His blood as God wanted to rescue us from the dominion of darkness and for Jesus to bring us into His kingdom. On the cross, we have redemption, the forgiveness of our sins. 
Before, we were enemies of God because of our evil behavior, but now He has reconciled us by Christ's physical body through death to present us holy in His sight, without blemish and free from accusations. We have to know, understand and believe what Jesus did for us on the cross. We must humbly come to Him in faith. All our efforts are nothing but Jesus' work is everything, His work on the cross as He declared "it is finished." When it's done we receive full forgiveness of our sins.

The cross of Christ is the bridge between man and God. 

When Jesus breathe His last breath, the curtain of the temple was torn from top to bottom. For many years before Jesus' death, the most sacred place on earth had been the temple, where the presence of God dwelled behind a thick curtain. Only one person a year, the high priest, was allowed to pass by that curtain and enter the presence of God on one day, the Day of Atonement. At the death of Jesus Christ, the temple curtain ripped from top to bottom, signifying that God had opened his presence to the world through the cross of Jesus.

 " Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." (NIV John 14:6)

Unto us a Son is given, Unto us a Child was born

Who has heard the real Christmas story? It isn't the fat man in a red suit that we always know giving kids gifts on Christmas eve, it isn't some guys who are singing carol songs and handling you a small, white envelope, it isn't the shopping spree that we do during the 'ber' months making us tired and cash strapped after it...Christmas story is about a young virgin who was engaged to a carpenter and yet even though she conceived a child by the power of the Holy Spirit, the carpenter took her as his wife. It is about a couple who were told by God to go even if the woman is heavy on her pregnancy, asking for a room to stay in and to give birth. Christmas story was about a baby named Jesus, born in a manger, visited and praised by shepherds and wise men from the East. Christmas is Jesus Christ who saves His people from sin. The only begotten Son who was given to us for us to have eternal life

We don't know the exact date of His birth, but one thing is sure... once in this world a Father has given His Son to save us, a child was born in a lowly stable though he is great to give us hope in the face of uncertainty...

#Christmas #Son #God #JesusChrist