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Unto us a Son is given, Unto us a Child was born

Who has heard the real Christmas story? It isn't the fat man in a red suit that we always know giving kids gifts on Christmas eve, it isn't some guys who are singing carol songs and handling you a small, white envelope, it isn't the shopping spree that we do during the 'ber' months making us tired and cash strapped after it...Christmas story is about a young virgin who was engaged to a carpenter and yet even though she conceived a child by the power of the Holy Spirit, the carpenter took her as his wife. It is about a couple who were told by God to go even if the woman is heavy on her pregnancy, asking for a room to stay in and to give birth. Christmas story was about a baby named Jesus, born in a manger, visited and praised by shepherds and wise men from the East. Christmas is Jesus Christ who saves His people from sin. The only begotten Son who was given to us for us to have eternal life

We don't know the exact date of His birth, but one thing is sure... once in this world a Father has given His Son to save us, a child was born in a lowly stable though he is great to give us hope in the face of uncertainty...

#Christmas #Son #God #JesusChrist

The Day It Started Once Again..Does It End Once Again?

The capture of the moment once again repeats itself..after a year and a half. She cherished the moment that they had been together, praying what has been started would be preserved if God wills for it. She did not know what he was thinking about it then.
A year and a half had passed, and a prominent restaurant had been a witness to two people wanting to take another chance..they were eating when the Big sister had passed by, they looked at each other and smiled.. reading between the lines... He accompanied her that time when she was looking for a finer pair of shoes. Soon, the dark sky needs to go... there was this rehearsal for a musical night to celebrate His coming...they went...

..on their way on a hub cab drive he holds her hand seizing the moment to behold her beauty, capturing the time to promise a better stance this time. It started from then cherish once again the time they have shared, to patronize the gift that He has given start once again for a more nurtured stance..asking to fill in all the shortcomings, promising to have given it more started that day..that day was "today"(click here)...does he remember?

She did not see it coming nor he knew what it is... the turmoil.. they see it ends the moment..does He approve it? or will He cease that moment for a better one and just let this turmoil passes by?..or is it really meant for them to unhold and let go of each other?..nobody knows..only He knows what His plans are for them...


Because of Who You Are ...

image credit to

When you look into the cottony sky, the beautiful landscape of hills and mountains, the shimmering sunlight of the sea, the awesome colors of leaves and flowers, and the glittering stars of the might ask..what a Great Hand has created these things... When you see and hear the different animals, when you feel the warm embrace of your kids, the loving touch of your mother, the protection of your might say...what a Wonderful privilege has been given to us...
Have you asked who you are to see and feel all of these things?.. Have you been wondering that with all those trials, pain, and sufferings, you still managed to get up and be someone you dreamed of?..

Watch, hear, and think of what this song is saying...

Video Credits to the owner and Casting Crowns

This song is like a prayer..with all those things around us, those people who have hurt us, those trials that make us fall..there is One Hand that will catch matter what or who we are..without Him..we're like a flower quickly fading, a wave tossed in the ocean, a vapor in the today and gone tomorrow. We are nothing..but because of Who God Is..we are someone..someone His...
Who am I? .. God said, You are mine. "I am yours, God, and whom shall I fear?"..what a wonderful assurance that whatever we had done, because  He is God, He loves us and will be by our side...and God's promises never change...


If in your own little space, in your own limited time, nobody knows what is happening inside. Every single day, pain seething in, body aches, unable to move. The desire to move and go, to do things faded away. Failure to function normally, it is what breakdown is all about. It is the complete loss of physical or mental or emotional spark and energy. A breakdown could be the effect of stress and the inability to cope with it, anxiety or depression. 

You would think closing your eyes is the next best thing to do, but sleep is far from over. Too much, too much... where you go, it haunts, bit by bit it consumes into our every being. Letting it out by crying, still, the pain seethes in...

Talking it out to a friend would help..never wanted to be alone yet loneliness halted your lips to share the pain, never wanting to open the long infected wound...The state of being here..the only refuge is God who will pick up the bits and pieces of what you are undergoing. 

The Promise

These are the promises that God has given us and in turn can be our guide to love, to guide, and to say to our spouses. Love them as God loves us unconditionally.

1. He has promised He will never leave you. Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)...say:" Dear, I promised not to leave you just as God will never leave me.."
Can you say this to your spouse, and truly mean it as God means it toward you?

2. He is always thinking only the best about you. How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. (Psalm 139:17-18)...say: "Dear, I am always thinking only the best about you!"
Can you say that your mind is always filled with only good thoughts about your spouse?

3. He is gentle toward you when you’re broken. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.”  (Psalm 147:3) ..say: "I will be gentle toward you if you're broken.."
Are you gentle toward your spouse even when he/she is angry or unlovable – which is how he/she often responds when he/she is hurt?

4. He promises nothing will ever come between the two of you. (Nothing) will be able to separate us from the love of God... (Romans 8:39) ..say: Dear, I promise nothing will ever come between the two of us.."
Are there any conditions or exceptions in your mind when it comes to loving your spouse?  Is there something in the back of your mind that he/she could do that would end it for the two of you? God holds none of those reservations about you. He has promised nothing – that includes nothing you can do – will ever come between you and God. Can you say the same to your spouse?

5. He delights in you, quiets you with His love, and sings over you. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)...say: "Dear, I delight in you, quiet you with my love, and sing over you.."
Can you delight in your spouse and rejoice over him/her, simply because of who he/she is – one who is loved by his Heavenly Father and by you? Think about the joy and comfort you have, knowing God feels that way about you. Now, what would it add to your spouse’s life if he/she knew you truly delighted in him/her?

As I am typing all these, I am thinking if I could do that, and thinking if he could do that. Easier said than done, but with a determination to save my long ailing marriage and with God beside me, I pray that it's all done. I am holding on to what God said..what He has joined together, let no man separate. It is my decision to love him even before we got married, still, do when things get rough. Maybe he didn't know that even with his imperfections I have love.
God has taught me many things, the hard way. Nobody knows. I may be seen as strong but it is because I have God and He is with me since the time I was born. I never questioned God for everything He has done, it is because God has given ..a gift.. to conquer it all, to serve our purpose.
I assure you guys, God will never give us what we cannot bear and it is the other way around, God has given us those trials because He knew we could surpass it through the gift, the skills He has given us. I just do hope to inspire everyone who reads it...(",) May God bless you...

Acknowledgment to


I'm Tired of injustice, I'm Tired of the schemes, it's kinda disgusting. What does it mean? Kicking me down I got to get up. As jacked as it sounds, the whole system sucks. Peek in the shadow, I come into the light. You tell me I'm wrong, then you better prove you're right. You're sellin' out souls but I care about mine. I've got to get stronger, and I won't give up the fight.

With such confusion does it make you wanna scream? You're bash abusin' victimize within the scheme. You try to cope with every lie they scrutinize. Somebody, please have mercy 'cause I just can't take it. Stop pressurin' me. Just stop pressurin' me. Tired of you tellin' the story your way, it's causin' confusion, and you think it's okay. You changin' the rules while I keep playin' the game. I can't take it much longer I think I'm a go insane.

With such confusion, does it make you wanna scream? You're bash abusin' victimize within' the scheme. You find your pleasure scandalizin' every lie.

Oh, Father, please have mercy 'cause I just can't take it.

Does it sound and look familiar?.. This is an excerpt from Michael Jackson's song. He had composed this song due to pressures he had been into by some entertainment news media. Having the feeling of injustice and disgusting schemes. The troubles and the pain he had undergone made him wanna scream. 
Though we have the same sentiments, our causes differ. It is rooted in an experience, in my present state as someone. The schemes, the injustice, the pres sure..where will it end? Will I stay longer keeping up the fight or let it go? When will be the right time to scream to stop it? How to let it burst out for them to know you're hurting??
Keeping it to yourself...being silent, doesn't really mean you're approving the injustice nor the scheme.. being silent, doesn't mean you're being quiet..scream does not necessarily mean words and sounds to shout out...silence is a loud scream...

Meet Me In The Stairwell

I stumbled upon a blogsite (clinicallyclueless.blogspot) and found this youtube slideshow and the notes about the 911 tragedy. As the slides roll on, it is as if God is talking to whoever watches, hears, and reads it...
You say you will never forget where you were 
when you heard the news on September 11, 2001. 
Neither will I.
I was on the 110th floor in a smoke-filled room 
with a man who called his wife to say 'Good-Bye.' 
I held his fingers steady as he dialed. 
I gave him the peace to say,
Honey, I am not going to make it, 
but it is OK...
I am ready to go.
'I was with his wife when he called 
as she fed breakfast to their children. 
I held her up as she tried to understand his words 
and as she realized he wasn't coming home that night.
I was in the stairwell of the 23rd floor
when a woman cried out to Me for help. 
'I have been knocking on the door of your heart
for 50 years!'
I said. 'Of course, I will show you the way home
- only believe in Me now.'
I was at the base of the building with the Priest
ministering to the injured and devastated souls.
I took him home to tend to his Flock in Heaven.
He heard my voice and answered.
I was on all four of those planes,
in every seat, with every prayer.
I was with the crew as they were overtaken.
I was in the very hearts of the believers there,
comforting and assuring them
that their faith has saved them.
I was in Texas, Virginia, California, Michigan, and Afghanistan.
I was standing next to you
when you heard the terrible news.
Did you sense Me?
I want you to know that I saw every face.
I knew every name - though not all know Me.
Some met Me for the first time on the 86th floor.
Some sought Me with their last breath.
Some couldn't hear Me calling to them
through the smoke and flames;
'Come to Me... this way... take my hand.'
Some chose, for the final time, to ignore Me.
But, I was there.
I did not place you in the Tower that day.
You may not know why, but I do.
However, if you were;
there in that explosive moment in time,
would you have reached for Me?
Sept. 11, 2001, was not the end of the journey for you.
But someday your journey will end.
And I will be there for you as well.
Seek Me now while I may be found.
Then, at any moment, you know you are ready to go.'
I will be in the stairwell of your final moments.
Copyright©2002 Stacey Randall

       The writer's tone of the song is nostalgic of that particular event, depicting every situation a person in there can be. The writer nostalgic as it may seem, characterized himself as our God who would be meeting the people in their dire situation only if they have heard of Him what to do and where was the safest place to be if at the last minute of their lives they would call upon Him if they are ready to meet Him on the stairways of heaven and to assure those who had believed that He will surely meet them after this chaos.
    The mood of the song is somewhat sad as one can remember that fatal and horrific day, many lives who have been lost, families looking for their loved ones hoping they are still alive, and people can imagine what transpired what happened in the last minute of their lives.
           The message of the song is fair and clear when one knows he would surely die at that moment, we call our loved ones back home, readying ourselves for what could happen and/or call on to God if they could be spared and hope to live or be just ready to meet Him at the stairwell of Heaven.
    If that same situation comes, I do hope I am ready to meet Him at the stairwell.

World Teachers' Day

Since 1994, World Teachers' Day is celebrated across the world on October 5. The importance of teachers has been recognized by UNESCO as an appreciation for the vital contribution that teachers make to education and development. Over 100 countries observed World Teachers' Day. Education International (EI) the global union federation that represents education professionals, launches a public awareness campaign every year to highlight the contributions of the teaching profession.
In the Philippines, Teachers' Day is actually celebrated in schools between September and October by Presidential Proclamation No. 479 to honor more than 500,000 teachers nationwide. These activities are planned by senior students in the Student Council/Government who coordinate the activities well in advance.


Teacher, as they say, makes a man perfect. They could make a wonderful experience and a difference in the lives of their students. What is sometimes lacking in their homes, the teacher fills it and tries to save what was left of them.
Teachers motivate and do not put an end to a dream or goal or strength or ability of their students. Teachers let their students come out and bring the best in them and from them. The teacher equips his/her students to learn how to learn.

SomeOne in the Dark..

Finding yourself in the dark, looking for a friend. It's not always been that dark would take you somewhere. Searching out you will find someone..someone who's been hurt, someone who needs someone, someone who is hoping to find someone 'you'...Be it may, someone in the dark reaches out to you.

This of the favorites of many from Michael Jackson. Whenever I hear this song, it moves me and wanna say something.. just like the singer who wanna tell us everything about himself.

This is for SomeOne in the dark.
music credits to the owner

To My Friends..

image credits to Google clipart

Someone send these thoughts thru my e-mail way back in pictures.
I have been keeping it in my files...
so when I was thinking about what to write in my blog, 
I decided to create a PowerPoint then convert it into a video.
 To put music over it, I have uploaded it to Canva.

it comes to my mind, it would be a nice thought to ponder on by us..(",)... 
FRIENDS..what have you been going thru right now?
Click and watch below...

(For a clearer view on your mobile, zoom it with a landscape mode

Disclaimer: The images shown from the video I have created are not mine, credits to the owner.
Music thru Canva >> Morning Snowflake, credits to the owner

Pen is Mightier Than Sword

image credit to peachyqtz of deviantart .com Rizal-Pen-61071597

    Who would not have known Jose P. Rizal? The Philippine National hero had written the famous novel Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not) and its sequel, El Filibusterismo (The Greediness). Jose Rizal proved that the pen is mightier than the sword through these two novels tackling issues and problems in the government and society. These two novels somehow contributed to the Philippine independence, a long tyranny from the Spanish regime. 
     Noli Me Tangere was written based on an excerpt from a Bible verse in the book of John 20:13-17 wherein a leper was made to wear a note announcing his leprosy so that people he met would avoid and stop bothering him. Noli Me Tangere depicts the social cancer the Philippines have had even up to now. The novel discusses the Philippine culture under Spanish influence, the vices and habits of the Filipino people, and the powerful Roman Catholic church, which was more powerful than those in government positions during those times. Jose Rizal was 26 years old when it was first published in 1887. Every character from that novel represented every facet of Philippine society, from every Filipino home to its neighborhood to gatherings, to education, to the church, and to the government.
      Three years later, El Filibusterismo, a sequel to Noli Me Tangere, was published. Rizal dedicated the book in honor of the three Filipino martyr priests,  GOMBURZA, (Fathers Gomez, Burgos, & Zamora). El Filibusterismo depicts the political and educational situation of the Filipinos from the Spanish regime, making the Filipino reader clamor for real independence and democracy.
       These two novels somehow influenced and helped ignite the Filipinos' emotions and cravings for freedom, which led to the Filipino revolution, but Rizal remained on what he believed was a peaceful means of acquiring freedom and asking for direct representation of the Filipinos to the Spanish government, through his pen, through his writings.
     Today, June 19, 2011, marks the 150th birthday of the Philippine national hero who paved the way for the Philippine independence, along with hundreds of Filipinos who shed their blood for the freedom we Filipinos are enjoying now.

List of Taiwan Food Products Contaminated with DEHP

credit image to PRO-A Innovation Ltd

     The Philippine Food and Drug administration already posted on their website the list of food products contaminated with DEHP. However, the agency fears that many of these food products have possibly entered the country illegally. Click here for a List of Taiwan & other countries' food products contaminated with DEHP as per the list given to GMA News.
     According to Dr. Suzette Lazo of the FDA, DEHP (Di-2 ethylhexyl phthalates), can possibly affect a person's kidney and reproductive system, however, she reiterates that an adult with a lower dose and smaller amount of intake of these food products does no harm for it would be only excreted. Dr. Lazo emphasizes that extra caution should be given to children and fetuses inside the mothers' womb because of the effect on their development. Click here to know more about what is DEHP, what happens when it enters our environment, how one might be exposed to DEHP, and how it affects us and the children..

* Updates: DEHP can also affect the sexual preferences of men according to FDA.

Legal Separation, Annulment and Divorce..

     Approval for RH Bill is not yet done and here comes the fuss on the Divorce Bill. After the Malta referendum on legalizing divorce, the Philippines is the only country without a divorce law. Following the referendum on Malta, the Philippine House Committee on the revision of laws announced it would begin a discussion on legalizing divorce in our country. Of course, the Catholic Church will vehemently oppose such a bill as in the case of the RH Bill. The Divorce Bill is a very complicated matter and maybe a referendum will echo the real voice of the people.
     When I was teaching Ethics, under the topic of marriage our lessons were only limited to legal separation and divorce. I had asked some students then to research annulment and how it differs between the two.

Legal Separation gives the spouses the right to live separately from each other, dissolves the conjugal partnership, awards the minor children to the innocent spouse, and disqualifies the offending spouse from inheriting from the estate of the innocent spouse.

Grounds for Legal Separation:
1 – Repeated physical violence or grossly abusive conduct directed against the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner.
2 – Physical violence or moral pressure to compel the petitioner to change religious or political affiliation.
3 – Attempt of respondent to corrupt or induce the petitioner, a common child, or a child of the petitioner, to engage in prostitution, or connivance in such corruption or inducement.
4 – Final judgment sentencing the respondent to imprisonment of more than six years, even if pardoned.
5 – Drug addiction or habitual alcoholism of the respondent.
6 – Lesbianism or homosexuality of the respondent.
7 – Contracting by the respondent of a subsequent bigamous marriage, whether in the Philippines or abroad.
8 – Sexual infidelity or perversion.
9 – Attempt by the respondent against the life of the petitioner.
10- Abandonment of petitioner by respondent without justifiable cause for more than one year.

Divorce is a dissolution of marriage that seeks a judicial ruling to dissolve a valid marriage.
Grounds for divorce are almost the same as in legal separation and vary from one country to another. Legal Separation, however, cannot remarry unlike in Divorce.

Annulment refers to a marriage that is considered valid but there are grounds to nullify the marriage. However, a Declaration of Nullity of Marriage refers to a marriage that is void or invalid from the very beginning as if no marriage ever existed.

Grounds for Annulment:
1. Absence of Parental Consent. A marriage was solemnized and one or the other party was eighteen (18) years of age or over but below twenty-one (21) and consent was not given by the parents, guardian, or person having substitute parental authority. The Petition of Annulment must be filed within five (5) years of having attained the age of twenty-one. However, if the parties freely cohabited with each other as husband and wife after having reached the age of twenty-one (21) a Petition of Annulment can no longer be filed.
2. Mental Illness. One of either party was of unsound mind at the moment of the marriage. But if the parties freely cohabited with each other after he or she came to a reason the law prohibits the filing of a Petition.
3. Fraud. That the consent of either party was obtained by fraud unless such party once having knowledge of the fraud freely cohabited with the other as husband and wife. The petition must be filed within five (5) of finding out the facts of the fraud.
4. That the consent of either party was obtained by force, intimidation, or undue influence. Except when the same has ceased and the party filing the petition freely cohabited with the other as husband and wife. The injured party must file within five (5) years from the point in time the force, intimidation or undue influence disappeared or came to an end.
5. One of the other parties was physically incapable of consummating the marriage, and such incapacity continues and appears to be incurable. The filing of the Petition of Annulment must be filed within five (5) years after the marriage.
6. Either party was at the time of marriage afflicted with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) found to be serious and seems to be incurable. This may also constitute fraud. The filing of the Petition of Annulment must be filed within five (5) years after the marriage.

SEPARATION: being separated from your spouse with or without communication is not grounds for annulment. It does not matter how many years you are separated. No law annuls or voids a marriage automatically. Only a judge in a court of law can annul, void, or nullify a marriage.
INFIDELITY: is not grounds for annulment.

Grounds for Declaration of Nullity of Marriage:
A – Those contracted by any party below eighteen years of age even with the consent of parents or guardians; (lack of legal capacity to marry).
B – Those solemnized by any person not legally authorized to perform marriages unless such marriages were contracted with either or both parties believing in good faith that the solemnizing officer had the legal authority to do so;
C – Those solemnized without a license except if otherwise covered by other laws.
D – Those bigamous or polygamous marriages except those covered by the laws of presumption of death of the absent spouse.
E -Those contracted through mistake of one contracting party as to the identity of the other;
F –   A remarriage shall be null and void if the partition and distribution of the proprieties of the spouses, the children's presumptive legitimacy, and the judgment of absolute nullity of the marriage are not recorded in the necessary civil registry and registries of property.
G – Any psychological incapacity at the time of the marriage celebration, which prevents either the husband or wife from fulfilling the essential marital obligations of marriage, shall also be void even if such incapacity becomes manifest only after the solemnization.
(Psychological incapacity is not automatically lunacy but it does mean that one or both spouses have abnormal interpersonal behavior or a psychological characteristic that inhibits the spouse to fulfill the essential obligations of marriage.)
H – Marriages between ascendants and descendants of any degree; between brothers and sisters whether full- or half-blood are incestuous and void from the beginning.

Nuffamily Day..One thing I Love Nuffnang

     Nuffnang is not only an earning opportunity and advertising website in the bloggers' world.. but it's also about the blogger and their families. Nuffamily Day is one reason why I love Nuffnang. I never made a mistake joining this site. At first, I thought, it is just another pay-per-click ad but it isn''s about social influence, earning opportunities, and social awareness..take a look at Mothers' day. And why I do love Nuffnang...

N - oteworthy and 
U - nique gathering of
F - amily and
F - riends with
N -ew
A -dvertising
N - etworking
G - roup

     That group of bloggers, with their families, is a good idea, and meeting bloggers from different places. It's making a wave to look up to by the advertising community and companies who wish to be a part of the NUFFNANG bloggers.
     On May 28, I will have my 4 kids and their Papa join this Nuffamily day, bringing with us our camera..and of course, excited to feel the winds of Tagaytay once more.  The calming scent of 20,000 pine trees of Crosswinds Tagaytay and the breathtaking view of its long terrain. I think we will be joining the Nuffnang bus going to Tagaytay because traveling is more fun than riding a bus and the road we'll be trekking are full of things to catch on with my camera.
     NUFFNANG events such as these are made possible, of course by sponsors..thanks for all the goodies and freebies to come...(",)...

* I just received an email from Nuffnang...I will be joining this Nuffamily event with my kids!!! Yeah! We're very excited!!!... Luv  Nuffnang!
* Due to a typhoon, the event was moved to June 4.

#nuffnang #bloggersevent #tagaytay #familyday

Edemsclaire Hannah, 14

     Having two girls in my brood is a wonderful feeling. I didn't feel how other girls do with their sisters since I don't have a real one. I have five siblings, all four are males and the other one is the in-between female. So, these two girls of mine are really a gift. 
     My first daughter, Edemsclaire Hannah, her name is derived from our nicknames, her father Ed-ward and I. Our favorite name if ever we would have our firstborn is Claire, but God wanted it to be a boy. Claire, from our favorite Christian love song Awit Kay Claire*click*(Song for Claire), and Hannah from the Bible, mother of Samuel the prophet. Her faith that God would give her a son and her obedience in dedicating her son Samuel to serving God.
     This is her day and dedicating this blog to my loving daughter, we call her EENAH (I-na). Today is her 14th birthday. The daughter who takes care of her younger siblings when I am away. The daughter who has been my assistant in taking care of baby Faith. I have seen her when she was still four years old, a very strong girl, not afraid to do things to experience the wonders of her childhood days. 
     Barely nine years old when I taught her how to administer a catheter to our baby and all the necessary hygiene and cleaning to be done at that time. She is the mother when I am out. She has a greater influence on her two younger siblings as I am observing them. She is loved by her younger sister and I am seeing they are very close. Last night, when she arrived from a Bible camp, her younger sister half-awake heard her voice, suddenly sit up and call her name. When she found out she has arrived, our baby Faith hugged her. Hmmm...a bit jealous on my part :)..but I am so glad they are that close. 
     As for my present for her birthday, I just put it on her bed so that if she wakes up she would see it. She said thank you and we kiss, waited for 12AM to open it, but I am the one excited so I told her to open it and I know she would love it...jaraannn..and I never did go wrong in choosing the Sanrio Hello Kitty watch for her...
I prayed that she will grow up stronger in the real world and in the Lord. I want her to be the best that she can be, not being affected by what others would say but by how her conviction and faith would dictate..L<3 ve U EENAH...
10 yrs old

# daughter #awitparakaykleyr #birthday
 #claire  #14th #eenah #hellokitty

12 yrs old

13 yrs old.


The word churp probably means a tweet from a bird. According to the Urban dictionary, it is an exclamation or a declaration that must be yelled at high volume for full effect. Nuffnang Philippines, a blog advertising community brings in Churp Churp wherein you will be rewarded for sharing messages across your social media network. It is actually a web software that interconnects Facebook, Twitter, and Blogger for every campaign that they will be sending to the members. Referring to your friend through all the social media that you have, you can earn  P 15.00 for each successful registration.
So be a media influencer now..infect everyone to have churp your friends to earn too!

For more details, click here 

#churpchurp #bird #socialmediasharing

Remembering Our MoM

You were once connected. The cord of life, the umbilical cord, connects you to your mother. All of us came from our mother's womb. Every single cell, flesh and blood, carried us and make us see the light, the life. According to psychologists, 70% of our intelligence came from our mother.  Their nurturing hands become what we are. Everything God has planned for us, every detail..God uses our Mothers to make it happen...

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A MOTHER is something absolutely new." - Rajneesh

"Men are what their MOTHERS made them." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Though once we're connected to them, we can always reconnect. This is the best time. Indeed there are many ways to reconnect with our MOTHER..hug her, say "I love you", pamper her, give her flowers, offer a help from household chores, treat her, pray for or with her, spend time talking to her, cook for her, think of many ways you can make her happy..And if she's already gone, talk to any member of the family or someone close to your MOM, reminisce times with them, celebrate and offer her flowers..For the many MOmmY bloggers out there,  

Below is the blog title's translation. Click, watch, be reminded & share this to all in memory of our MOMs:
You were once connected. She takes good care of you. Remember her always especially today. For my NANAY, & to ur MOMMY. Happy Mother's Day!#PLDTMothersday

#mom #mother #connection #womb #pldt

Bible Quotes About Our MOther

What does the Bible say about a MOTHER? ..In celebration of mother's day, I'm writing some Bible quotes about our beloved mother. Read and meditate on it. Happy Mother's day to all MOMs...

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my MOTHER's womb." - Psalm 139:13 (NIV)

     Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. (2) “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise), (3) “that it may go well with you and that you may live long in the land.” - Ephesians 6:1-3 (ESV)

"Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, (9) for they are a graceful garland for your head and pendants for your neck." - Proverbs 1:8-9 (ESV)

"My son, keep your father’s commandment and forsake not your mother’s teaching. (21) Bind them on your heart always; tie them around your neck. (22) When you walk, they will lead you; when you lie down, they will watch over you; and when you awake, they will talk with you." - Proverbs 6:20-22 (ESV)

The Proverbs of Solomon. "A wise son makes a glad father, but a foolish son is a sorrow to his mother." - Proverbs 10:1 (ESV)

Click below for some gift suggestions:

On this special day for her, give her styles 

#mothersday #mothers #Biblequotes

Angels from Norway Playing with my Daughter

This is the continuation of the blog I have written a week ago about angels who came from Norway. Click here for the full story about Emily Faith Princess

    This time, this blog is about the free therapy they administered to my daughter, Emily Faith. They gave us a video copy of the exercises they have done along with a hard copy of how these exercises are being done, their purpose, and their goal. I think posting it here could somehow help those moms having the same scenario as I am.  
    The goals of these exercises are the following: to strengthen Emily Faith's arms, to acquire better sitting balance, and to do better her general functions as well. So these are the program exercises, the 2 angels, Emmeli and Sarah had
administered. All of these were accompanied by
music so it's kinda like a play too for my daughter.

The following exercises were done:

1) The Hammer. Strengthening her arms by exercising the back of the arms. Easing the function of lifting herself up.
- sitting on a chair with good support, put some papers on the wall making her hit the numbers with a hammer alternately both right and left arms.
2) Ball on Numbers. For eye-hand coordination and strengthening her arms.
- just like The Hammer but the papers on the wall may either have numbers or letters written on them, asking her to hit once or twice the numbers or letters.
3) Rolling. To strengthen her stomach and back.
- rolling on the floor with a good rubber mat, making it a play, or singing a song to motivate her to do it.
4) Lion. Strengthening her pelvic area, stomach, back, and arms.
- crawling, moving from one place to another, with her knee bends while stretching her arms.
5) Jellyfish. To strengthen her whole body and for an endurance challenge.
- crawling, pulling the weight of her body putting some obstacles for her to overcome
6) Throwing the Ball. For a good sitting balance and stability.
- sitting on a bench or chair with her legs hanging down, without any support so she could use both hands at the same time in balancing her body
7) Michael Jackson. For sitting balance and stability.
- playing MJ's music (Wanna be Startin' Something) and initiating creative moves that include both hands over her head, while sitting on a bench or chair with her legs hanging down. Take note she should not be leaning on anything for support.

Music is for exercises only. Credits to Sony Music

Remembering Princess Diana...

     Today, April 29, 2011, marks the wedding of the century. Prince William, the 1st born child of the late Princess Diana and the heir to the British throne married Kate Middleton. Watching their wedding brings back the wedding of Princess Diana to Prince Charles which everybody knows tagged as a fairy tale wedding. Sadly, their wedding did not come out as in the fairy tale "and they live happily ever after". We all know the history, they divorced, and the tragic accident that we have lost the England Rose. 
      For some who still didn't know, Princess Diana was a descendant of King James II of England through an illegitimate daughter, Henrietta Fitzjames by his mistress, Arabella Churchill. On her mother's side, Diana was Irish and Scottish, as well as a descendant of American heiress Frances Work, her mother's grandmother and namesake, from whom the considerable Roche fortune was derived
     With all her deeds, stature, and grandeur she had lived differently, taken aside the protocol of a British monarchy, especially in rearing her children. I admired her a lot, from her face to the way she glances, to her smile to her elegant and classy dressing style to her no qualms in doing charity works and helping the needy. A true epitome of a queen. Diana was highly visible in support of the International Campaign to Ban Landmines, a campaign that went on to win the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 after her death.   
      I don't wanna tackle here what she had been through while she's still married. We all know how sad she was. Watching Prince William's wedding, I have some regrets that she was not able to see and witnessed the wedding of her beloved son. Maybe if she's still alive, she would be happy to see how her kids have grown and how she has influenced her 1st born. My admiration for Her Royal Highness, Princess of Wales made me buy books about her.  Lady Diana, Princess of Wales is the Queen of People's Heart.
     Mourning was heard during Princess Diana's death at Westminster Abbey,  now an uproar of celebration for the wedding of her beloved son. Maybe that's the reason why Prince William now Duke of Cambridge wanted to hold his wedding with Kate Middleton Duchess of Cambridge, to erase the bad memories Britons and his family had at the time of his mother's death. Pray that it isn't another fairy tale but a true tale of love story and trust. 

the way she glances.

the way she nurtures her children ...

the way she smiles...

Princess Diana: "The worst illness of our time is that 
so many people have to suffer 
from not ever being loved" 

When Angels Came from Norway...

     It was one of the typical Sundays when Emily Faith's father told me that he had been told by Tita Divine if I could bring Emily Faith and talk to some Norweigian missionaries about Emily Faith's condition. So, the time came for us to talk and they had asked me what could be the perfect time for Emily Faith to undergo her therapy and that they are administering it free. The said Norweigian missionaries are actually students of PhysioTherapy and that they are into helping special kids who need therapy as well as for their case studies. 
     Sarah and Emmeli (whom I thought we have the same spelling) had been administering therapy for Emily Faith 3 times a week every morning which lasted 5 weeks. On their last day with Emily Faith, they had invited me to their mission house. This was actually my second meeting with the two of them, the first one was an interview regarding Emily Faith's mobility, capability, etc., a bit of talk about our personal lives, lunch with them, a mall tour around Monumento, Caloocan area. 
     They had first thought that the nearest mall where they are staying is the one standing in North Edsa, Quezon City until I brought them to some malls here in our area because they wanted to taste some Filipino dishes. I brought them to a cake store known for its cheaper and delectable Filipino dishes. We ordered relyenong bangus (stuffed milkfish), lumpiang sariwa (fresh lumpia), lumpiang shanghai (they call it spring rolls), and sinangag (garlic fried rice with some eggs and mixed vegetables). For the dessert, we had ordered one slice of black forest cake, leche flan (a gelatine made from milk and eggs with caramel toppings), and ube halaan (sweet purple yam). At first, it seems they don't like relyenong bangus but when they had tasted it, their eyes opened wide and made a nod and said "not bad, it's delicious". They said they can eat anything except the egg with a chicken on it. I told them it was "balut"..and Sarah said it was what she's hearing shouting during the night.
     Now for the second visit to their mission house..they had again asked me about Faith's mobility, capability, etc. if noticed some improvements. And some of their questions they have answered as they have an up-close observation on Emily Faith..then we had our lunch and of course, I'm not expecting these pretty gals serving rice as for the Western culture they mostly eat bread which I'm gladly and will always accept as lunch or dinner (my kids and I are a bread cravers).  Before we eat they sing a praise song I've never heard before even in some Christian families I've been with..(have asked Sarah for the lyrics of the song). Emmeli had prepared an omelet mixed with bell pepper and ham and wheat bread. Hmmm..really like it..yum yum... can't resist even though I told them I don't wanna eat 'coz I've got my brunch  (breakfast and lunch) and I'm too full! But..the moment I've seen the wheat bread, o-oh, find myself eating with them..(",)...
     Anyway, done with all that..they had gave me a copy of the exercises they administered on Emily Faith as well as they let me watch the video of the three doing the exercises., step by step's so kinda funny, especially on the Michael Jackson part (will blog later these exercises). After watching, they had given me a letter in a form of a greeting card but they never let me open and read it for a moment until they gave me the signal. They gave me 2 copies of the exercises on a DVD disc, a mini-calendar from Norway, some chocolates... Melkesjokolade... pronounced as "melkeshokolad". Then Emmeli and Sarah told me that since Emily Faith can move from one place to another through her monoblock chair, as I have told them, holding it and doing some balancing acts which I don't know how she's doing that. Emmeli and Sarah told me that they had asked some of their friends in Norway to give something to Emily Faith and whoa!... from out of the room..they are pushing a wheelchair, a baby wheelchair for Emily Faith!!!!... can't express how thankful I am for that wonderful gift as tears falling down... Really ..really thankful for that! I told them to extend our thanks to their friends who had to heed their call for Emily Faith's wheelchair. The wonderful effort that Sarah and Emmeli had done to Emily Faith!... Really... angels do come..angels came from Norway..would never forget their wonderful words can express how much they have made us happy seeing Emily Faith enjoying their gift!!! God bless them!
Emily Faith in her wheelchair courtesy of 
Sarah and Emmeli and their friends
A letter for Emily Faith by Emmeli and Sarah


Stuffs Emmeli and Sarah had given

Earth Day, My Birthday..It Rhymes

Today, April 22 marks Earth Day 2011 with the theme: "Earth Day every day!". The call is to remind Filipinos to do green acts every day. One way we can help Mother Earth:  "ENGAGE YOURSELF TO ENVIRONMENTAL CAUSES AND ACTIVITIES." Yesterday, as part of the earthday countdown, the call is to "RIDE MASS TRANSIT SYSTEMS."
   War raged in Vietnam when the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970 marks April 22. The idea came to Earth Day founder Gaylord Nelson, then a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin, after witnessing the ravages of the 1969 massive oil spill in Santa Barbara, California. Senator Nelson announced the idea for a “national teach-in on the environment” to the national media. Earth Day Network has its 2012 goal of A Billion Acts of Green® and launched an international, 1-million tree planting initiative. So far it brought 225,000 people to the National Mall for a Climate Rally, amassing 40 million environmental service actions toward its goal. 
According to Senator Nelson, "Earth Day" was suggested by several people in 1969, including, his friend who had been in the field of public relations and a New York advertising executive, Julian Koenig. The idea came to him by the coincidence of his birthday with the day selected, April 22. "Earth Day" rhymed with "birthday," and it seemed natural. Other names circulated during preparations but Nelson continued to call it the National Environment Teach-In, but press coverage of the event was "practically unanimous" in its use of "Earth Day," so the name stuck. So, as Julian Koenig suggested, I'm glad I would say it too, it's Earth Day and it's my birthday...(",)